
Master’s Degree and Doctorate in Law

Operating Standards

The operating standards for the Master’s Degree and Doctorate in Law programs may be accessed through its Regiment. It is important to highlight that there are three very decisive moments for students who want to join this program, which are:

  1. Selection Process

Candidates will be selected by a selection committee, following criteria previously established in a public notice designed by the Program’s coordination committee. In any event, the admission process for the Master’s and Doctorate program is a two-step process in which the applicant must pass on the first one in order to participate on the second part. The steps are:

1 – 1st Step: (1) Written test about biography previously indicated by the Admissions Commission; (2) Analysis of the applicant’s curriculum, sent during application;

2 – 2nd Step: (1) Interview with professors of the program and with an external one. The interview revolves around the graduate student study plan sent during application, his/her availability and motivation to participate in the program; (2) Analysis of the applicant’s study plan (first draft of the research) sent during application process.

  1. Indication of an Advisor

Advisors are indicated by the Program’s coordinators, in order to create, as soon as possible, a relation between advisor and advisee.

III. Second Language Proficiency

Students will be requested to present proof of proficiency in foreign languages. Master’s degree students are required to show proof of proficiency in one foreign language, while Doctorate students must be fluent in two foreign languages. Proof of proficiency may be in Spanish, French, German or Italian and it must be shown before presenting the thesis or dissertation, being a pre-requisite for the presentation of the final paper.

VI. Course Schedule

Structure of the Doctorate Program (30 credits)

Social Law and Public Policies

Founding Seminars – 09 credits / 03 credits per semester.

Procedural Theories on Shared Public Management - This seminar addresses the issue that involves theoretical and normative matrices of public management existing in Brazil, especially those involving the executive branch (Federal, State and Municipal), then propose a procedural methodology of shared management between State and Society of community interests, evaluating, exemplarily, which legal and political instruments exist for such duty.

  •  Dr. Rogério Gesta Leal

Theories on Public Policies - The seminar deals with relevant theories and themes of political science and social science in order to understand the public policies and their interrelations with the political process (politics) and the political and institutional environment (polity). At first the seminar deals with the discussion of classical texts on conceptual and methodological aspects of politics. The approach of political cycle will be deepened due to its richness and fruitfulness. A second moment is dedicated to the characteristics and specificities of public policies in Brazil. In light of the historical heritage of political relations marked by clientelism, paternalism and authoritarianism, the presence of a non-democratic political culture and the low stock of social capital in the country, conditions will be investigated for the construction of a pattern of public policies compatible with the republicans’ ideals and participatory democracy, with special attention to public-private relations, the establishing of an expanded public sphere and the construction of a legal framework of the non-state public.

  •  Dr. João Pedro Schmidt

The fundamentality of Political Participation Rights - This seminar aims to address issues involving the state, the society and democratic political participation in the search for reasons that justify the implementation of public policies intended to achieve the Fundamental Social Human Rights. It addresses the political and legal tools to enable social participation in the development and execution of these policies.Therefore, it is paramount act in a multidisciplinary perspective, political, historical and critical, from the emergence of the modern state.

  •  Dr. Clóvis Gorczevski

Theme Seminars – 04/03 credits each one

Guiding theme: Diversity and Public Policies

Intersections Between Public and Private - This seminar discusses the public-private dichotomy, in the current socio, legal and political context, in view of the various ambiences in which this paradigm is inserted, either in civil and constitutional law, or administrative and constitutional law. It will check the interlacing fields of these institutions in the context tutored by the infra-constitutional norm, but always interpreted in the light of the Brazilian Constitution.

  • Dr. Jorge Renato dos Reis

Social and Local Empowerment - This seminar intends to discuss the issue of social empowerment through the local solidary governance paradigm, assessing the possibilities and prospects of formation of local public policies.

  • Dr. Ricardo Hermany

Gender for Public Policies This seminar focuses and identifies public policies on gender as a tool social inclusion aimed at the enforcement of the rights of citizenship, and to study the main theoretical and dogmatic legal frameworks on public policy with the gender approach, aimed at correction of social inequalities and enforcement of citizenship’s rights.

  •  Dr. Marli Marlene Moraes da Costa

Generational Rights, Diversity and Public Policy Systems This seminar aims to discuss the guarantee of generational rights based on age dimension of the subjective holders and their relationship with the issues of identity, diversity and minorities, assuring strategies for adoption of public policy systems in the contemporary Brazil.

  • Dr. André Viana Custódio

Guiding Theme: Instrumental dimensions of Public Policies

Judicial Review of Public Policies- This seminar intends to discuss the pertaining issues to judicial review of public policies, with particular focus on the issues surrounding the institutional possibilities of jurisdictional control and its relation with public policy, as well as the judiciary performance limits in this sense, from the perspective of separation of powers, with particular emphasis on the theoretical aspects, from which we intend to do the analysis and discussion of specific decisions handed down in the Brazilian context.

  • Dr. Mônia C. Hennig Leal

Federative Public Competencies at Public Policy Levels- This seminar intends to discuss the technical and systematic contemporary federative division of responsibilities, with emphasis on existing constitutional powers for the implementation of public policies by local authorities.

  • Dr. Janriê Rodrigues Reck

Public Policies for a New Jurisdiction - This seminar aims to define and discuss the legitimacy of the State in the performance of its judicial function, as well as the organization of Public Policies able to foster new treatment strategies of social conflicts, settled in a democratic perspective and focused on consensus.

  • Dr. Fabiana Marion Spengler

Social and Administrative Control of Public Policy - This seminar aims to understand the constituent of theoretical elements of social and administrative control and its importance when it comes to public policy and discuss the mechanisms of social and administrative control, with a critical look at its means and possible obstacles and, propositional in relation to new forms of control or improvement of its current forms.

Elective Seminars (2 credits)

  • Relevant topics for the dissertation

Orientation Seminars (2 credits)

  • With each advisor (Relation Advisor x Advisee)

Project Presentation (2 credits)

  • With each advisor (Relation Advisor x Advisee)

Dissertation Presentation (3 credits)

  • Doctorate student (dissertation presentation)